Friday, 7 July 2017

What Will You Bring to Your Marital Bed?

You Just Have to Stop Having Sex…It’s NEVER Too Late to Wait Until You’re Married to Have it!

I know it’s happening all around even in the heart of the church, it has become a casual thing altogether. And when you are not having it, you are thought of as not cool and that's why I doesn't matter how frequent or occasional it has happened but one thing is, as an unmarried person, you have to be deliberate and stop having sex. 

Gone are days when sex was used a ' proof' for love. Both you and I know that any man can make any woman aroused and sex her even without love. All is needed is two people, a man and a woman who are ready to stimulate the other and that’s it. Paul writes to Corinthians and says this about love. Love is kind; it does not seek selfish gain, and is patient. It seeks to give and not to receive and as such, if some guy truly expresses his love for you, pushing you for the cookie and he hasn't put a ring, should be out of question. 
By saying this, I am not by any means implying that WAIT is easy. No. Actually, the same way most of our system is tuned to rumble at noon because we need food is the same way our need for intimacy comes natural.
Get me right, am not speaking of the obvious vulnerability to sex when you two have courted and even done “koito” (a traditional Kalenjin wedding) and you feel so drawn to the other that it becomes almost hard to keep off, that is different but still not a leeway to justify the acts. Wait has a lot to do with obedience. It has everything to do with obedience to God. And most profoundly, it takes a Savior, Christ, to pursue WAIT so that no one should boast. Grace…remember grace! Its only grace that has brought you thus far and that amazing grace will lead you home someday.

Why Wait?

Sex is a very spiritual thing and soul ties are no minor thing to joke with. What sex outside marriage does is connect your spirit to that of the other and if multiple partners is anything to go by, then you already see the danger you are getting yourself into. That eventually when you get married to one man or woman, you bring with you hundreds of ’funny’ spirit from every individual you got down with and your marital bed becomes crowded. God forbid then that these memories now make you compare your sex life with those many ex's.  This is not to say that if you wait till marriage your sex life will be flawless, far from it. There will be issues and supposedly sex related too but that’s not the focus now.

Ideally, sex was meant to be between two people who are married; a connection that brings them together in the totality of their physical, spiritual and emotional being. And when two people would come together each one for their first time as couple, then chances of infidelity will be drastically reduced. Why? Because no one will be comparing the other with an ex who was swinging her behind or mosquito waistline at 360 degrees previously. There will be little basis of saying I don't have good sex with my husband or wife because you both create your memories together without a past reference.

However, media is not very helpful and someone wrote “In the movies everybody is pretty, everybody looks good, everybody has great sex with anybody, anytime with no consequence. Pretty Women marry millionaires. (There's no sequel, because the marriage only lasts as long as the credits.) On screen, the famous "sexually active" athlete always gets the girl and he lives happily ever after. In real life he gets AIDS or goes to jail for rape or murder.” See the irony? It’s not what the media shows that reflects real life. They are two different worlds altogether.

Returning back to the first Love

When we sin against God in many ways by not honoring our parents or even lying and we repent and turn from our wickedness, He hears and forgives our sins. He cleanses us and makes us pure as snow; that even though our sins are red as crimson and guilt be killing us, He washes us, and makes us a new. And because sexual sin is one of the sins against one’s body, most times the guilt and condemnation will make one feel awfully horrible. Good news however is, He forgives us even after we’ve messed up.
 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Fornication is no more sinful that other sins. If you’ve made a mistake by having sex before marriage, and you’ve repented, then God has forgiven you, too! And yes, As far as the East is from the West, so Has He removed our transgressions from us. Psalms 103:12

It really doesn’t matter how many times you have slipped and had sex, it’s never too late for to choose to wait for marriage! It’s never too late for you to start over.

Mucho Amor

Sisters’ Keeper.


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