Dear beloved,
I know for sure that being single isn't something most people will plan for. Naturally, we crave attention and love. So when in that season or realize that you might have been called to celibacy, many questions linger on. You wonder why sometimes God doesn’t give us what we want. Does He even love us? Why does He bless most of our friends with the very thing we would die for?
You feel abandoned. Lonely. Sometimes jealous. Contentment becomes foreign and far-fetched. On the good days – you go for missions and do amazing things to propagate kingdom interest and self. Hiking, horse riding, road trip, you name them. Other times you do investments, go for vacation or just throw a BBQ at the backyard gazebo. Sometimes you get over it. But other times the emotions prowling in the dark corners overwhelm - like when you get five wedding invitations in a span of a month from close people- it happens.
Singles respond differently. Others take it harder than others. Like one single friend who had visitors at her place. The single brother was among the early birds to arrive for a get-together and so was privileged to sample the said good friends’ delicacy beforehand. On complimenting her about her culinary prowess, you wouldn’t expect the fire she shot back. ‘Trina, your cooking is awesome,” the brother had said innocently. “I know or you thought as a single woman I don’t know how to cook? Yeah, we cook, and so you know, we also can buy cookers and fit them in our kitchens!” she retorted. The awkwardness that ensued…woii. Lord have mercy. All was grave quiet expect for sympathy written on our face for the young man. It hadn’t occurred to me that some of us really take singlehood that hard. The girl was seriously bitter and a simple complement was the jab she needed to spit fire and brimstone. Many of us are an emotional mess. And we think it's impossible to feel any differently about being single — to trade the anger, loneliness, the longing for the joy of the Lord.
here you are single, saved but praying—Lord help me to be satisfied
Few things you need to bear in mind from a sister
who has been there or probably is there:
- You may actually never get married; one area that we can only hope for is this. There are no guarantees that you will get married. It’s a gift and the same way God chooses to gift others for marriage, He may choose you for Himself. It is a harsh reality especially when you already have your wedding picturesque and theme colors all set in your dream book except the image of the groom. However, letting this possibility sink helps in dealing with the pain of potential loss of a dream and clarity to look at life from a different spectrum.
- It’s possible to find contentment in singlehood. How? Sadly, most of us have been made to believe that for contentment to happen, we must get married, or rid self of any desire to ever be married. Not true. The secret is finding completeness in Christ so that when the discontentment comes, you are able to find confidence in Him. Being content will not remove your desires. Like a clock hand moving, you can be content today as a single and still want to get married tomorrow. It is okay. That shouldn’t worry you. Christ our example was content about going to the cross to do the Fathers will, but at Gethsemane when He prays for the Father to take His cup if it pleases, we realize that He didn't really want to go. However, because He purposed to do the Father's will, that desire surpassed all else. Contentment is sometimes wanting to let the cup pass but saying “Yet not my will but Yours Lord”. Is it easy? No.
- Contentment is more of a decision. It is not a feeling. It's willpower to be gratified with what God has given you today even when your heart wants more. And yes, it's possible to be content in your single state and finding satisfaction in Christ. “For in Him, all the fullness of Deity dwells in the bodily form…and in Him you have been made complete” (Colossians 2:9-10).
- Marriage isn’t a superior state over singleness - it's just different. The attitude you carry when single affect your marriage in a big way. If you feel not satisfied as a Single, Marriage will not make you merrier. Marriage doesn’t fill a void and your dissatisfaction will not be met by a man or woman. Married life I suppose has wonderful blessings and unique challenges, but isn’t better than being single – it’s just different in terms of set new blessing and challenges presented.
- Make use of your “yes” spontaneity. You know why, you have what it takes to change your attitude towards singlehood. As single, it’s so easy to say “yes” to coffee, a two weeks mission across your national frontier, a movie down town or even a sleep over and social hangout etc. Something a married person will not even think of under normal circumstances. Girl, enjoy your “yes’ spontaneity.
Enjoy it darling…gracia
Sisters’ Keeper!
I am just too content,i love my life right now,�� I have great social life, and my relationship with God is my anchor, my soul... The other day God started speaking about marriage and I started crying cause I can't love another like I love God, and honestly didn't know how to love this person God was bringing. God had to minister to me He wasn't going anywhere, love for my husband is different, and can't replace Him. For if I tried making my him my soul in the essence I wld be married but empty for only God fulfills that part of the soul. In my single hood I asked God to help me enjoy this season, and to be satisfied... It's been amazing... I love the freedom from going out, to going to spend time with God for weeks, travelling, to spending my money on anything, to investing, to having lazy days etc that for me going to marriage will be something I will have to deal with...
ReplyDeleteIn my single hood God taught me to enjoy my life, to love me..... It's been amazing for sure, initially I used to get lonely until God showed me I can be alone but not lonely...
I think what affects lots single people is they find their worth in other things, and allow people to define them. They let this season to be a limitation...
Godly contentment is such a great gain darling.And the best felling comes in when you overcome the self pity and loneliness as you choose to thrive in Him.
DeleteAm so thrilled for you...keep being an encouragement to others.