Is it true that you
want to date Jesus and not a Jesus Disciple?
No and Yes. No because, we just want to see the radiance of
Christ in your life brother; Even just a little ray giving a glimpse of the
Jesus in you. You see, when you have been called to be an inxusa (Zulu word for
ambassador), you represent that person, nation and in this case Christ by
showing a reflection of Him in your life. Generally, we would expect you to
have a thing that tells of the person you represent. The same way the hands
that give roses always have fragrance of it left kind of thing. All we want is
to smell the scent that an encounter with Jesus left. And yes, it’s the fruits
you bear that testifies of the Christ you profess. We don’t want the verbatim
declaration of Jesus is Lord. For
verily, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom
of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
(Matthew 7:21)
Yes because sadly, some of us are aiming for perfection from
imperfect brothers. As I have written many times, women need to find completeness
in Christ. It is incorrect to go out with the mentality of perfection. It’s not
alright to expect a man to satisfy all your longings, complete you, make you
happy etc. Is he your Jesus or a prototype of Jesus? And if he is an idol of
Jesus, then what is the Real SON OF God expected to fulfill in your life?
Wisdom is accepting a brother with his flaws and strength. Endeavor not for
perfection but working out with someone who is striving for perfection as we
both look up to Jesus, our perfect example. Honestly, no matter how organized a
guy is, at some point you will be disappointed with each other. He will
disappoint you. You will disappoint him. He will act contrary to your
expectations and so will you.
If you are a “Ruth”(one who desires marriage) to a potential
“Boaz”(Mate) stop behaving like a “Delilah”(archaeologist)!
A delilah is a
relentless digger. She finds out every flaw about the potential suitor and
decides that saying yes to this will be settling for less. The first suitor was
not financially endowed. The second had macho issues. The third one was
addicted to his gadget didn’t give me attention. Well, I am an introvert and I
love quality time and attention. However, I will be very wrong to assume I am
flawless. There are times I wouldn’t answer my calls even from a very special
person; Not because I didn’t hear or the number is unknown. But rather, I just
felt a mess and had exhausted my radiation saturation for the day as someone
close likes to say. Of course that is insensitive to the other party especially
if you are very tight but tagging me as moody and focusing on that occasional
meanness may end up seeing you lose the big picture about me. Trying to dig out
the flaws on another and forgetting yours is nothing close to godly.
Ask all
this married people and see. There is always a place of compromise and that is
when love covering the multitude of sin (weakness) comes in . “Above all, love each other deeply, because
love covers over a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8) If she is a spendthrift
and your area of strength is economics, then help cover that weakness. What I
am saying is this, before you get too picky and antagonistically judgmental;
remove the plank in your eyes before pointing on the others speck.
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust
in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?(
Matthew 7:3)
Stop finding imperfections with everyone. The faults will be
there but get one that you can extend grace and help cover. For verily I say,
you will not find perfection expect in Christ. All of us have flaws and in need
have grace. We all need a Savior.
So yes, don’t settle for someone who has nothing that tells
of the Christ they profess. Jesus Himself says that you will know them by their
fruits. And the fruit of the Holy Spirit
is Love, Peace, Joy, forbearance, Goodness, Kindness, faithfulness, gentleness
and self control.(Galatians 5:22). But also don’t say no to the entire camp
of brothers because you did not like a thing or two about them. We will marry
Jesus in eternity but if we want marriage for the world, I guarantee you we can
only marry His disciples.
Yours Truly,
Sisters' Keeper
Hapo umegonga ndipo Dada. Perfection will only be found in heaven.
ReplyDeleteHehehe, asante. There is no such thing as a perfect people, we can only be changed and be amazed by His grace.
DeleteHey this is my gal!f you are very tight but tagging me as moody and focusing on that occasional meanness may end up seeing you lose the big picture about me....that part...i wish some people could get it right on...ikiwa moto kama pasi.
ReplyDeletethis is awesome gal.
awwwww, we end up missing the big picture many times when we focus on the flaws rather than the positives i tell you. Thanks alot for always being an encouragement
Deleteالكلادينج هي ألواح تستعمل لتغطية واجهات المباني زجاجية ذات ألوان معدنية، وهي مقاومة للحريق وعازلة للحرارة وخفيفة الوزن شركة سيستم بنل هي افضل شركة كلادينج في مصر كما أن ألوانها متعددة وكثيرة جداً وطريقة تركيبها سهلة وسريعة بالإضافة إلى أنها قوية ومتينة نظراً لجمال شكل الكلادينج باتت تستخدم في المداخل وحشو مطابخ الألوميتال مما يمنحها مظهراً خلاباً فريداً من نوعه تختلف اسعار تركيب كلادينج واجهات واجهات الكلادينج هي واجهات يتم تنفيذها باستعمال ألواح مصنوعة من ثلاث طبقات الطبقتان الأولى والأخيرة مصنوعتان من الألمونيم ويتوسطهما مادة للحشو
ReplyDeleteتؤدي الدهون المتراكمة في أنحاء الجسم المختلفة أو في منطقة بعينها إلى ظهور مشاكل في المظهر العام للجسم هل عملية شفط الدهون بالليزر مؤلمة لذلك نلجأ لإجراء عملية شفط الدهون بالليزر وجراحات شفط الدهون، ولكن لأن جراحات إذابة الدهون تتم تحت تأثير البنج الكلي عملية شفط الدهون بالليزر كم تكلف تكون نسبة مخاطرة عالية، بالإضافة إلى خطورتها المتمثلة في كونها عملية جراحية تتم بالمشرط والمبضع. بعد اكتشاف فوائد الليزر في الأغراض الطبية، بدأ علماء طب التجميل بتطوير استخدامه في العديد من الأغراض التجميلية مثل إزالة الشعر بالليزر، تجميل الأنف بالليزر وأخيرًا شفط الدهون بالليزر.