Monday, 3 September 2018

What is in a Name? Everything!

The Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. David.

His Word

35 …“And the name of the city from that time on will be:the Lord is there.” Ezekiel 48:35 b
 15 He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. 2 Chronicles 20:15
13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:13-14
18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth. Psalm 83:18
 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, The Lord Our Righteousness. Jeremiah 23:6

From my heart to yours

For a while, I have been researching the meaning of my maiden name Adisa in our local dialect. Unfortunately, I have never been lucky to find the exact meaning even from grandma. My name originates from Yoruba. The meaning of Adisa in Yoruba, Nigeria is One who makes himself clear. Elizabeth on the other hand means the Lord has Redeemed.—turned my life around and gave me double honor instead of shame. Not long ago, I was found in a dangerous place that saw me have an experience with my Maker and had to be baptized with a new name Chidimma because of the testament of the experience. Chidimma means God is good. Well, let’s switch from my names escapade and go to what’s important naming remains a significant thing.

What is there in a name? You ask, Everything. Absolutely everything! When Moses is sent to Pharaoh, he asks…And whom shall I say has sent me? The Lord responded and said, it is I, The Great  I AM THAT I AM. I have been thinking about God and all His names and I must say there is something about Nigerian culture that I love. They have a name for God for everything the Bible says about Him. They call Him names like:
Olugbala -(Our saviour)
Olorun ajinde-(The resurrected Lord)
Olugbega-(The lifter of our head
Awamaridi-(Unsearchable God)
Olowogbogboro-(God whose hand is long enough to reach at any length) and I found that to be really powerful.

From the readings shared, the psalmist makes a prayer to God concerning the enemies of Israel and he says, Lord, confound them in their wickedness that they (enemies of Israel) may know thy Name; that thou art Jehovah! There is something about knowing the Name of God and experiencing the power behind the name of God that means absolutely everything. Jehovah was known in Israel as the Incommunicable inexplicable, the Self-existing One, the I AM, Immortal, Invisible and Unsearchable God.

When Abraham was about to sacrifice his son and Gods providence met him, he called Him Jehovah Jire, the Lord will provide.
Moses with the Israelites when they realized God was fighting for them like He did later with Jehoshaphat, he called Him Jehovah Nissi, the Lord our banner.
Gideon, when they were up against the Midianites and the Lord gave them peace; he called Him Jehovah Shalom, the Lord our Peace.
Jeremiah too had to remind the Israelites about a name of the Lord they had forgotten. That actually, we only have access to the LORD because of Christ.  He called Him Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our righteousness.
Ezekiel also called Him, Jehovah Shammah, the Lord who is already there!
Yes, there is everything in a name and especially the Name of the Lord.

  • Do you know God by His Names?
  • Do you just know thousands of God’s Names and have never experienced the power of the very Names?
There is everything in the Name. God wants us to not only know His Names but experience His Names. That when we call Him Alagbada Ina, the one whose clothed with fire, then we can sing the song Consuming Fire by D Psalmist with a revelation that actually, it is not vain words we are repeating. We are calling Him for who He is and He is arising to consume evil works.
Let’s Pray
Father, this week we pray that we will not only know Your Name Lord but we will experience You in the power of Your Name. Allow us to experience You Father as we seek you in Your Word and in Communion. Let Your daughters testify that we have seen the Lord. Amen

Daughter of the Covenant (Chiddy)

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