Friday, 9 September 2016


She woke up from her bed.  Breathless.Dreaming of drowning. Well, she couldn’t sleep. That definitely can’t be sleep. Maybe the unconscious mental state of the mind.Dark. Curtains drawn,the air humid. Half sleeping,eyes fidgeting through the dark room. She stands at the window. She cries out. Silent cries. Then it gains momentum and she can’t hold in in the inside. She let it burst through her chest. The sob is so loud that it disturbs her fully. She opens her eyes full and lets the torrents freely wash down her chancy dimples leaving a warm sensation in the skin. She is now sobbing uncontrollably as the tears washes the remaining memories that she holds tight since the incident. Much as the same way the sea waves erase the sand script washing in any memories without warning. Carrying with it even those fond memories she would want to cling and not let go…at least not now. Only fear remains. Perhaps vaguely.
Sparklinglyfear-foam and roaring. She stares at the beautiful frivolous rise and fall of the ocean tide. The sight is beautiful but she doesn’t see the beauty in it. Whoever was to make the scene beautiful was conspicuously missing. How can it be beautiful without the source of beauty in her life? She vaguely thought.The sight aggrieved her. Because someone was missing.A very important person.Just one person and the picturesque would have been award winning and heart moving fascinated sight ever. The dark is deep. The only sound of life is of those sea creatures singing out in echoing crescendo beckoning for their family. Perhaps an old hippo beckoning for its lover from the kind of romantic gestures she can indefinitely pick.
She tiptoes back to her bed. Afraid that anyone could think she is a witch running her errands at night. Never mind it is a 5 Star tourist Hotel in the amazing Mauritusgate-aways.  She sits upright, her mind goes blank.Baffled and unclear why she is here and what made her come to such a place. Was it even a good idea?
This was supposed to be her honeymoon paradise. But she is here. Tonight.Not sure what to do with herself. Alone.
She reaches for her phone. It’s slightly past 2am. Sleep has eluded her. She decides to do the unthinkable. Reaching to the landline,she instinctively calls the hotel reception.
Krrring, Kriiiiiing and the phone is answered in the other end.Just two rings. Mmmmh, the customer service is very impressive she thinks but her thoughts are interrupted by the receiver’s response.
“Reception hello,” croaks the voice with a sense of concern that for a second she almost regretted calling at that God forsaken hour.
“Hello, Room 114, she responded after clearing a throat
Is anything the matter madam? The gentleman asked
Well, am sorry. Not really, all is fine.  I just wanted to make a room order for Red wine please. Serve it cold. Thank you. Then she hangs up.
In five minutes,she is sitting at her bed side table; Trying to write down her journal. Emotions oozing with every word she pens. She sips her cold red wine in the glass silently. Tears are flowing again. Noiselessly this time.The throat guzzling down the content of the glass; Alone.In silence. For the first time after entering the hotel, she wonders what he could be doing…

To be continued

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