Painful Realities
For the twenty something years I have lived, I have realised that most people have perpetually gone through pain in their life. Not like mother's delivery pain...that's totally on another level.
I mean, loss of a loved one, a broken marriage, an abusive partner,a heartbreak,a miscarriage, pain of not having your own baby and so fourth
Some somehow gun the courage to move through the valley of this "death" singlehandedly but the majority rely on the strength of those around that cares and love them.
Pain has a way of making us know how much strength we have.
With pain, we are caused to see things a little more differently unlike other folks.
A shoulder to lean on becomes essential when dealing with pain.
The saddest bit though is that those that seemingly offer moral support and walk with you through the turmoil are the ones hurting the most.
ECCEDENTESIAST is the term used to describe a person who hides there pain in a smile....
They give you hope to face your situation with boldness yet they are bleeding inside.
They encourage you with the last ounce of positivity in their blood stream when they need a repump if the same so badly.
Yes, they wipe your crancky face after that messy young relationship heartbreak when they are fighting a marriage on the rocks.
They pray for God to help you go through the pregnancy when they are still trusting God for just one baby after several years of marriage without any.
They will organize a surprise baby shower party for you even when they have longed for but haven't held a baby of their own in their arms.
They will spend hours praying for you who wants to settle with such vigour yet they are fighting the very same devil within their innermost being.
They will always be around like a big sis or bro you never had just to solve your problems.
They will have you cry all night in their company oozing your frustration without cutting you off. Only for you to realize when you leave next morning that you never had a chance to find out how they were and what they are battling.
They will never burden you with their issues at all!
They will battle cancer and chemotherapy silently and attend to you when you go ranting about a one thing that didn't go your way.
They will give you that sister's smile and wink when deep down they really wish you will notice that they too need a pillar to lean on.
May be a strong man to lean on, an understanding person to rely on.
They will do everything to make the people that matter around them happiest,even when they are hurting the most.
Yes, those people. That can hide their pain within a smile and make someone's day much exhilarating and cry out their chest later,perhaps alone, in a quiet place when the reality of having to deal with their real situations hits them hard.
They like to cry alone and chew the bones of their pain silently. They wet their pillows at night making desperate cries,pleas and sometimes just groans that can't be uttered, carnaly,senseless gibberish .
If they are spiritual, they pray and seek the Lord to find strength in Him.Sometimes when there is no strength to pray,they just lay there,quiet and still,sometimes shedding a tear or two,sometimes letting them flow like torrents without care but the bottom line is,they try to find strength for the valley.
Its always the broken souls that are always trying to help...
If you know any such a strong person... Let them know that you value them and you would love to be strong for them, take a bullet for them too like they have always done for you!!!
They too need a shoulder to lean on,
A real good one to rely on!
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